Find the best Angel Investors & VCs perfectly aligned with your startup.
And get their detailed contact info.
I am looking for
Early, Mid or Late stage Investor
Investing in
SaaS, eCommerce, FinTech...
Located in
To contact them, I need their
email, linkedin & twitter info
Preferably they
started their own company
As a fellow founder, I've been there... Identifying Angel Investors is time-consuming!
That's why came to be: so you can focus your precious time on building your product and the right relationships!
Don't blast requests to every investor in your region.
Filter them based on their past investments and target the right ones!
Get to know the portfolio of who you're reaching out to. Analyse their past investment and write an engaging outreach email!
Gritt already enriched their LinkedIn Profile, their verified email as well as their Twitter account!
35683 Investors Matched !
CSV will include 35683 linkedin profiles, 17420 emails, and 9434 twitter handles
Use our built-in CRM, or just export everything it's up to you!
Fundraising is all about the process. With our CRM, you'll make sure to follow through!
We get it, you probably have your own Google Sheet ready!
Over +400 exclusive discounts (Stripe, AWS, Google...) worth $50.000 to get started with
We have discount with all the major Hosting & Cloud Providers and much more!
All the best outbound and CRM tools, pre-negociated!
Stripe, Google, Amazon, Shopify, CloudFlare, Hotjar, Intercom, Notion, Airtable, Loom, Mixpanel...
You name it, we probably have it!
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